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Farm Data Management: Part 3- Operation Center

In the last couple posts about Farm Data Management, we have talked about data integrity and how to collect that data with some of our Service Packages here at Horizon Equipment. In this post, I want to go over a data storage place called MyJohnDeere Operation Center.

MyJohnDeere Operation Center is an online web based data, equipment, and farm operation storage application all in one. This application turns your data into useful information that can help benefit your operation. It is simpler than ever to plan your jobs from start to finish. You are able to see agronomic data from your machine in near real time, including average yield, total yield, average moisture, seeding varieties, application rates, and so much more. The field analyzer tool lets you compare these layers side by side and makes it easier to share your planting and yield data with your trusted advisors and receive prescriptions from them.

Along with the field analyzer there are many more management options within Operation Center such as Equipment, Location History, Wireless Data Transfer, Set up files, and basic Prescription builder. Equipment management allows you to input all your equipment and link it with JDLink to receive machine codes and equipment details along with location history of the machine. Wireless Data Transfer allows you to wirelessly transfer set up file and prescriptions from your computer at home to the display in the tractor without a thumb stick or going to the field. There is also a Prescription Builder powered by Agrian where you can easily make management zones and variable rate prescriptions for seeding and application operation. Having trouble with your display? Remote Display Access can allow us at Horizon Equipment to see what you are seeing on your display and help you solve the problem without making a field visit.

Top Left: Location History Top Right: Field Analyzer Side by Side View Bottom left: Remote Display Access Bottom right: Field Analyzer

Operation Center is ever developing with the intention to be you one place for all you data and equipment storage. If this sounds like something you want to explore, contact us here at Horizon Equipment and we can get you all set up!

I hope everyone had a relaxing and Merry Christmas. Bring on 2017! Happy New Year to all!

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